Deploy tokens with zero headache

Why choose us?

Deploying SOL tokens has always been tricky, with user needing to use the command line interface to deploy tokens, implying a steep learning curve. With our token deployer, you can deploy tokens with a few clicks, and you are good to go.

Intuitive Interface
Pick a token name, symbol, supply, and description. Optionally fill in token socials for higher visibility.
Revoke Mint & Freeze
Protect your investors by revoking mint and freeze authority after the token is deployed.
Burn Liquidity
Burn liquidity tokens in a matter of seconds with zero hassle. No need to use the command line interface.

Launch a token

Provide us the necessary information so Brian can take care of the rest. We'll need your token logo, name, symbol, supply, and description. Optionally, you can fill in the token socials for higher visibility. Filling in socials, would show dedicated buttons on Solscan and other explorers.

Token Logo

Token Management

Before you can create a liquidity pool, you need to revoke mint authority and freeze authority. This protects your investors from a potential rug pull. Once you revoke mint and freeze authority, you can no longer edit metadata of the token (name, symbol, description, socials etc).

Burning Liquidity

Forget about the command line interface and enjoy our NO-CODE tool to burn liquidity tokens. Select the liquidity tokens (usually the token with no name and random balance) and burn them in a matter of seconds. If you have multiple tokens in your wallet, just pick the token with unknown name. You can check the token on Solscan to verify it's the liquidity token.

Before burning, double-check the liquidity tokens mint address on Solscan. If you burn the wrong tokens, they're LOST forever. Liquidity tokens should have NO image and NO symbol.