Welcome to Brainstorm

Explore a unified platform created by developers and traders for Research, Play, and Earn — all conveniently in one place. Access market insights, engage in interactive experiences, and seize earning opportunities seamlessly.

NFT collection

Step into our NFT collection, where a cool AI takes center stage — These digital artworks mix human vibes with high-tech feels, exploring how smart machines and people can team up.

Meet the Brainiacs

Our team is a mix of developers and traders, all with a passion for crypto and NFTs. We are all working towards the same goal: to create, innovate and improve the web3 space.

  • Duku "The Creator"

    Project Owner

    Business Planner for the past 8 years by day and project owner by night. Started crypto trading in 2019, took a break in late 2020 and came back in 2021 with a new passion for the NFT space.

  • Vik "The Machinist"

    Lead Developer

    Being in the software development industry for over 5 years, I can transform any concept into reality, leading others effortlessly — CCNA2 Certified

  • Sevraj "The Enforcer"

    Project Manager

    Full time father with a passion for NFT's and Crypto. Started as an NFT enthusiast in 2021 and continued in 2022 but as a future trader, YOLO!

  • Exzor "The Strategist"

    Marketing Specialist

    Strategic marketing, project advisor and partnership/collaboration manager with over 3 years of experience.


Visualise what our journey looks like and what we have planned for the very near future and beyond.

Phase 1


  • Forming the team
  • Launching Discord and social medias
  • Wrap up marketing strategy
  • Art, branding and products

Phase 2


  • Start building the community
  • Spread awareness in the space about the Project
  • Partnership with renown Projects
  • Educating the space about our utilities and our vision
  • Preparing for Presale phase
  • Beta launch of Brainstorm platform

Phase 3

(in progress)

  • Start Presale phase
  • Start hosting and attending spaces
  • Launching Brainstorm mini games
  • First Brainstorm Tournament
  • End of Presale phase
  • Echoes of Evolution (teasers in form of sneak peeks and videos with all features)
  • Launch all Brainstorm platform utilities
  • Mint Phase

Phase 4

(in progress)

  • Conclude Mint
  • Launch IQ token on a DEX first week post mint
  • Launch Echoes of Evolution first week post mint
  • Inject liquidity for IQ token (allowing it to be tradeable with a USD value first week post mint)
  • Marketing for Echoes of Evolution and IQ token


Usual questions that we usually get asked — we have answered them here for your convenience.